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Hispanic Heritage Month Lecture: Using Storytelling, Visual Arts & Humor in Defense of the “Stranger,” Dispossessed and the "Other” by Dr. Huerta Online
In this presentation, Dr. Álvaro Huerta discusses and defends immigrants in the United States. Utilizing an autoethnographic approach, along with the use of art by the acclaimed artist, Salomón Huerta, Dr. Huerta seeks to humanize immigrants through storytelling, humor and family history. By naming immigrants, like his brother, Salomón Huerta, father Salomón Huerta, Sr., and mother Carmen Mejía Huerta, Dr. Huerta not only humanizing immigrants, but he also shares their major contributions to this country. For example, while his brother, who migrated to this country as a child, reached the top of the artworld, this would not be possible without the example of the strong Mexican work ethic and sacrifices of his/our father, who toiled as a farm worker (or bracero), janitor and day laborer in this country, along with his/our mother who labored as a domestic worker (or doméstica) for over 50 years. Originally from the beautiful state of Michoacán, the Huerta familia permanently migrated to this country, settling in East Los Angeles, California, in the early 1970s.
Bio: Dr. Álvaro Huerta is a Religion and Public Life Organizing Fellow at the Harvard Divinity School. Dr. Huerta is also an Associate Professor in Urban & Region Planning and Ethnic & Women’s Studies at Cal Poly Pomona. He’s the author of an award-winning book, Defending Latina/o Immigrant Communities: The Xenophobic Era of Trump and Beyond. He's also the author of a forthcoming book, Jardineros/Gardeners: Cultivating Los Angeles’ Front Lawn with Brown Hands, Migrant Networks and Technology, out of the The MIT Press.Apart from academia, he has an extensive background in community organizing, freelance writing, professional editing, public speaking and independent consulting. As a son of Mexican immigrants, he’s a former resident of the Ramona Gardens public housing project (East Los Angeles) and first-generation graduate. Moreover, as a Ford Foundation Fellow, he holds a Ph.D. (City and Regional Planning) from UC Berkeley. He also holds an M.A. (Urban Planning) and a B.A. (History) from UCLA.
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- Date:
- Thursday, October 13, 2022
- Time:
- 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
- Online:
- This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
- Categories:
- Lecture Series > Affinity Month Lecture Lecture Series
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